Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Here we go...

Wellywellywell now (extra points to whoever can identify that quote), here I am, much to my surprise, starting a blog.
This whole project looks like I can learn a few new things in a fairly painless manner, although I tend to have a different vocabulary than the tutorial has been using so far, and that seems to be the "most difficult thing" for me, rather than the 71/2 choices I was given.
I do not see every new project I try as an "obstacle"; that smacks of the Victorian/Edwardian (Darwinian?)worldview "Let's sail forth from England and conquer those poor savages in the Ottoman Empire!" Indeed, if I do look at a project where I don't know how to get where I want to go, I see it more as a puzzle to be solve, or the same way I see a knot in embroidery thread that needs untangling. I can see what needs to be done first, but that doesn't guarantee that the circumstances for the problem/project will be the same when I have taken those first steps. So the learning contract is kind of a toughie for me as it stands. I know that my goal is to learn all kinds of new things, but other than following the tutorial and doing the 23 things, I don't have enough knowledge to map my course at the moment.